Health Benefits of Linden [ Organic Facts ]

August 2, 2016 admin No comments exist

Health Benefits of Linden


Some of the most interesting health benefits of linden include its ability to improve the immune system, prevent certain forms of cancer, calm the body, detoxify the body, eliminate anxiety, lower inflammation, and lower blood pressure.

Tilia is the name of the genus that contains varieties of trees named linden, whose flowers, leaves, and extracts have been used for medicinal and decorative purposes for many years. The tilia genus members are often also called lime or basswood, and the different types lindens have slightly different components and effects. Tilia cordata is the strongest type of tree, in terms of its medicinal effects, and is commonly known as little-leaf linden. This widespread variety can be found throughout Europe and into Western Asia and is 60-80 feet in height. Linden flowers are the most commonly used part of these trees, primarily because of the potency of linden flower tea, which is known to be very powerful as a treatment for a wide variety of conditions.
The flowers are yellow and once they are dried, they can be brewed as a delicious and potent tea, which is growing in popularity around the world as more research is being done. The health benefits of linden and linden tea are largely due to the high concentration of phytonutrients, flavonoids, and other diaphoretic substances. This unique mix of organic compounds has resulted in one of the most trusted and reliable herbal tea varieties on the market. Now, let’s take a slightly closer look at the many health benefits of linden.

Health Benefits of Linden

  • Anxiety Issues: One of the most frequent uses for linden tea is as an anxiety aid, as its soothing properties have been known to reduce mental stress and anxiety. If you suffer from mood swings or unexplained chronic stress, a cup of linden tea can be a very wise addition to your health regimen. It has a minor effect on your hormone levels, inducing a state of relaxation for the body and mind.
  • Free Radical Neutralization: As with so many herbal remedies, the antioxidant content of linden is one of the best qualities this plant has. Antioxidant compounds like quercetin and kaempferol both act as free radical scavengers, eliminating these harmful byproducts of cellular respiration from your system and improving your overall health by preventing chronic disease. These are particularly effective for protecting the skin against signs of aging and exposure to the sun as you age.
  • Detoxify the Body: P-coumaric acid is another of the very beneficial organic compounds found in linden that can be accessed in linden tea. This is known as a diaphoretic, which means that it induces sweating, which is a very effective way of releasing toxins from the body, along with excess salts, fat, water, and foreign substances. This quality also makes linden valuable for people suffering from fevers, as inducing sweating can help lower a fever faster and prevent permanent damage to organ systems.
  • Colds and Flu: In addition to stimulating sweating to break a fever, linden also contributes to other symptoms of colds and flus, such as inflamed or swollen membranes throughout the mouth and respiratory tracts. This can help to reduce coughing and irritation, which is why linden is often relied on to sooth sore throats and calm coughing. Linden tea can also help to eliminate congestion, making it a true triple-threat to colds, and represents a major immune system booster.
  • Inflammation: For those who suffer from tension headaches and other inflammatory conditions, including arthritis and gout, linden tea can help eliminate those painful symptoms. Just as it reduces the inflammation in the respiratory tracts, it also helps to lower blood pressure and remove inflammation in the blood vessels, thereby preventing the small capillary back-ups that so commonly lead to headaches, as well as the swollen tissue of arthritis sufferers.
    impressive arsenal of antioxidants, linden is a definite contender for preventing and treating various forms of cancer. Those antioxidant compounds, like quercetin and coumarin, prevent free radicals from causing apoptosis or mutation in healthy cells, which often leads to cancer!
  • Indigestion: If you’re suffering from an upset stomach, bloating, constipation, or cramping, sip on a cup of linden tea and settle your stomach in no time. The blend of compounds and chemicals found in linden can reducing gastrointestinal discomfort and stimulate the proper digestion and excretion of food.
  • A Final Word of Warning: There are some people who are allergic to these flowers, so speak to your doctor before adding linden tea to your favorite beverages list. Also, there is a maximum dosage, so avoid drinking more than 3 cups per day. Furthermore, if you are pregnant or breast-feeding, it usually isn’t a good idea to drink linden tea, nor if you have heart disease, as this flower can negatively interact with certain pharmaceuticals.

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